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Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center for Conservative Judaism 
Conservative and Masorti Jews from all over the world visit the United Synagogue Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center in Jerusalem for study, guidance, fellowship, hospitality, the Israel experience.
Centrally located at King George and Agron Streets in picturesque Rehavia, the Fuchsberg Center is Conservative Judaism’s Home in Israel.
Stay at the Agron Guest House
Pray in the Center’s Synagogue
Study in the Center’s Conservative Yeshiva
Volunteer at the Center’s Gemilut Hesed Project, which connects United Synagogue members visiting Israel with a choice of meaningful volunteer opportunities based on individual interests and time availability, including assisting seniors, serving meals in soup kitchens, preparing and delivering care packages to soldiers
Plan your trip with the Center’s assistance
The Schechter Institutes 
TALI Education Fund provides a pluralistic Jewish Studies program to tens of thousands of schoolchildren in over 200 public schools and pre–schools throughout Israel (more than 10% of all secular public schools in Israel)
Midreshet Yerushalayim in Ukraine, established in 1992 by the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studie and in partnership with Masorti Olami, this program reconnects Jews to their heritage in an inclusive and joyous atmosphere; synagogues, schools, and summer camps stress Jewish tradition, history, peoplehood, and the centrality of Israel for the Jewish people.
Neve Schechter is a unique nexus, drawing people from all backgrounds to create and enjoy contemporary Israeli culture in dialogue with Jewish tradition. Since 2012, Neve Schechter, located in Tel Avivʼs historic Neve Tzedek neighborhood, draws thousands to world-class concerts, art exhibitions, literature events, and learning opportunities.
Shalom Hartman Institute of Israel 
In the same spirit of Rabbi Booth’s Engaging Israel course, an initiative of the Shalom Hartman Institute (SHI) of North America, the SHI’s think–tank KOGOD Research Center for Contemporary Jewish Thought and its Center for Israeli–Jewish Identity in Jerusalem are dedicated to elevating the quality of Jewish life in Israel and around the world.
SHI and Hebrew College offer Jewish Studies programs, conferences, and a new initiative, Hevruta, a unique pluralistic gap–year program in Israel for 20 North American and 20 Israeli high school graduates designed to cultivate a new generation of leadership built on a new narrative of Israel–World Jewry relations.
Hod VeHadar, a Masorti Synagogue 

This Masorti synagogue in Kfar Saba, just northeast of Tel Aviv, has 210 members who will warmly welcome you to Friday night and Saturday morning services. Rabbi Booth, Rabbi Serena Eisenberg, Hillel Stanford Director Martha Amram, and Sharon Smith Lenox have all enjoyed their hospitality.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784