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 Wednesday is Teen Night at CBT!  
At Congregation Beth Torah, teens have the space to hang out, learn and have fun! Different activities are offered weekly. Keep reading below for all of our educational and exciting Wednesday offerings.  
Pre-registration is required for all Teen Programs.  Click Here to Register for Teen Programs. 
For more information on all teen programs, email

CBT Teens

Join us this year for an engaging series on Jewish identity, food, history and more. Each month we will have different guest speakers who lead engaging activities and discussions.  Every session provides foundational knowledge for the much anticipated Teen trip to NYC.  

Sessions are select Wednesday nights 5:00 - 6:45 PM.
Only available to CBT Member Teens. Registration Required.

Click Here to Register!

Shalom! Conversational Hebrew

Learn the basics of conversational Hebrew with Mike Precker.

One Wednesday a month gather with friends 5:00-6:45 PM and learn how to respond to questions, order from a menu, and navigate the streets of Israel. No prior skills required, come to have fun and learn basic conversational Hebrew.

Only available to CBT Member Teens. Registration Required.
Click Here to Register!

Israeli Dancing

Join us for Israeli dancing!

Learn and practice a new traditional Israeli dance every month. Come and make memories with your friends.

Open to ALL TEENS in the Jewish Community
Free for members, $5/session for non-members (bring cash).

Click Here to Register! (Required)


CBT is excited to offer Tzelem - a facilitated safe space for Jewish LGBTQIA+ teens to gather and discuss topics related to their Jewish identity. This monthly group is exclusively for Jewish teens who identify as LGBTQIA+ and it is open to CBT members as well as the larger Jewish community.

Open to ALL TEENS in the Jewish Community
Free for CBT members. $36/year for non-members.

Click Here to Register!

Email for more information

Venturing Crew 790

Are you ready for adventure!?

CBT is proud to host monthly meetings for Venturing Crew 790,  a co-ed scouting group for Jewish teens ages 14-20, with 13 year olds welcomed as guests.  Activities focus on service to the Jewish Community, Leadership, and High Adventure.  Crew 790 meets on Wednesdays once a month and plans activities and trips throughout the year. 

For more information email

Girl with climbing equipment smiles. Text reads: Jewish Venturing Crew 790. Service, Leadership, and High Adventure for Jewish Teens. Meets 2nd Wednesdays @ Congregation Beth Torah contact:

B'nei Mitzvah Anniversaries

Happy Jewish Adulting Day!

Celebrate the anniversary of your Bar or Bat mitzvah by reading Torah or leading services! Dust off your Tanakh and let's go!

Need a refresher? We have tutors to help you out. We'd love to have more young leaders read from Torah on Shabbat or help lead services.  

Contact Brandi Hunter a month before your anniversary date

Teen High Holiday Programs

Spend the Holidays with CBT Teens!  
Programs for 7th grade - High School Students 
Family or Guest Ticket Required for Participation

Rosh Hashanah First Day: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Yom Kippur: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Sukkot Dinner in the Sukkah: 5:00-7:00 PM (All Youth)
Simchat Torah Dinner and Israeli Dancing: 5:30 - 7:00 PM (All Youth)

Questions? Contact us!

Register Today

Pre-registration is required for all Teen Programs.  Click Here to Register for Teen Programs. 
For more information on all teen programs, email
Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785