Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
- Chesed Shel–Emet
- Act of “true kindness.” Helping to bury the dead is a kindness that can never be repaid, and falls in this category.
- Chevra Kaddisha
- The Holy Society that prepares a body for burial, and performs the rite of Tahara.
- Halacha, Jewish Law. "The Way"
- Kaddish
- prayer of divine affirmation, recited by mourners.
- Keriah
- Rending of the garment worn by the mourner.
- Kevod Hamet
- Respect for the dead. Treating the dead with utmost respect is basic to the entire Jewish approach to burial practice
- Kipah
- Skull cap. (Plural: Kipot).
- Minyan
- Required number (10) of Jewish adults who must be present for recitation of the Kaddish.
- Mitzvah
- Commandment; an act of loving-kindness.
- Pikuach Nefesh
- “Saving a life”; a special Mitzvah which takes precedence above others.
- Sheloshim
- The 30–day period of mourning that begins immediately after interment.
- Shemirah
- “Guard duty.” Because of respect for the deceased, the body is never left alone from death through interment.
- Shiva
- The seven–day period of intense mourning that begins after interment. The first seven days of Sheloshim.
- Shomer
- The person who sits with the deceased through burial.
- Tachrichim
- Burial garments.
- Tahara
- The ritual cleansing of the body of the deceased.
- Tzedakah
- An act of righteousness; a charitable contribution.
- Yahrzeit
- Jewish calendar anniversary of a death.
- Yizkor
- Memorial service at which special prayers are recited on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, Pesach (8th day), and Shavuot (2nd day).
Wed, September 11 2024 8 Elul 5784